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Male', South Asia, Maldives
Hi, I am Sophu and I believe life is a sum of experiences. This is a compilation of random thoughts that come to my head which contains my interests, experiences, thoughts, tips, poems.... n everything relating to my life...n so on. So please leave a comment to my posts. I love it!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Most important environmental issue

There are several important environmental problems facing today's world. However, it is important to accept that climate change as the biggest global emergency right now; which is real, accelerating and human induced. The climate change compromises biodiversity. As a result, the hidden statistics on species loss is the face of the fisherman who will lose his livelihood as rising Ocean temperatures destroy the coral and decimate the fish stocks. In addition, the alarming decline in food production from increased drought and soil erosion makes a farmer who is no longer be able to feed his family. The increased frequency and intensity of storms results in families that will lose their homes and possessions. The sea level rise results the bonds of family, community and nationhood that will be irreversibly broken. For the people of an archipelago and small nation, dealing with climate change and associated sea level rise is an everyday fact of life.


sophu said...

kihaaa dherakameh eeyn kale ekey maumoon ekey koba thafatheh....kekekekkakakakakakka


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