About Me

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Male', South Asia, Maldives
Hi, I am Sophu and I believe life is a sum of experiences. This is a compilation of random thoughts that come to my head which contains my interests, experiences, thoughts, tips, poems.... n everything relating to my life...n so on. So please leave a comment to my posts. I love it!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Jack Johnson widget by 6L &

Friday, October 30, 2009

'Should Take' when You Travel

Travelling! Wow! Even thinking about travelling gives me an exciting feeling. One thing I enjoy a lot. And currently I am craving to get out. I guess it is not only me. But most of the people I know share this hobby. Experiencing another culture, place and getting to know new people adds to the experience to in life. This makes living a Life. I have done a little bit of travelling in life. From what I have experienced there are things without which the travel is incomplete. In other words the necessities of ‘a travel’, whether you travel alone or with a companion/s. It helps to make your travel a ‘travelling escapade’.

1.- Companion/s:
Specifically if you travel with a companion; the most important thing is good companion, without which your travelling experience might turn into a nightmare or a phobia.

2- Camera:
To cherish the memory at a later date, you need to make a good collection while you are at the site

3- Cash:
Some of the area/locations or natural habitats will not offer the luxury of ATMs or credit/debit card facilities, so it’s safe to always carry cash with you

4-Carry Light Weight: Adopting to travel light can also be considered as one this you should take. You can avoid a lot of things. Even if it is clothes, shoes and other accessories, carry only limited stuff. But I would opt to shop and leaving a day just to shop before I start the travelling ‘travel’ from the country. By doing so, you get to fulfill another hobby (shopping!)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Realizing Life’s Call

Where is MY Life Leading? This is one question I asked myself over the years. I believe there is no way we can know about it. Even though it is believed that through palm reading and other black magic stuff you can predict your future. Some says through Horoscope it’s possible to know where you’re leading. Of course, you get a horoscope reading every day. But I believe there is a step each and every one of us can do to create our own paths in Life’s Journey.

The simple act of goal setting and acting on it clears your path. Some of us find it difficult to set goals or we don’t know what we want in life. I had the same difficulty. I wanted so many things in life in so little time. And most of the things I perceived as ‘wants/needs’ were contradictory to one and other. For example: I wanted to be a housewife with 4 children and a loving husband but at the same time I wanted to be free as bird, travel on impulse and be the hiker. Hehe.

Mainly there are two steps to reach your destiny;
1- Identify your wish and what you need in life
2- Plan and act to achieve it

A friend asked me the miracle question, which the answer provides what I really want and value in Life (Realizing Life’s Call ). She said, ‘Imagine, you have got a magic lamp and when you wake up tomorrow you get to make one of your dreams/wishes come true. Visualize with color pictures (descriptively) what wish it and how you want tomorrow to be?'

What do you see? Family? Greenery? Money? Travel? Friends? Career?

The answer can be stunning! Even if you thought your needs and wants are…blah blah… what you truly value or want is seeing through the eyes of your mind. This gives a general idea of where you want to lead your life. This is the first step to identify and know the bigger picture.

Then, you need to strategize your goals and actions (which is a whole other story). Take small steps, achieve one goal at a time, cumulatively bound together to get the outcome.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Secret to Great Relationships

When Adam was sent to Earth, he was sent with his better half Eve. From the time humans started living and populating this earth relationships and companionships became an important part, without which the Earth would not exist.

There are different levels and different kinds of relationships; we have with our people around us. We have our family, friends and colleagues. Apart from that we have acquaintances, well wishers and enemies too.

I am not a relationship ‘Guru’ but with all the lessons learnt, I can share the most important pillars of a relationship. A relationship is a three legged tool. Without any the relationship would not be stable and at a point will cripple..

Trust: If you can keep secrets (your mouth shut) and things confidential you have no worry in this area.

Care: If you can’t care for another person you cannot care for yourself. What you want and wish for yourself, want it for your friend or another? As a result you become a good person, establishing good relationships.

Respect: To get respect you have to give respect. Respecting does not refer to opting for higher level of language but it’s just giving another’s space, valuing the thinking, ideas and specially values.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Seek Happiness in Life

The whole purpose of living is seeking happiness in life. As the saying goes, you can have money but you can’t buy happiness. Whatever you do in life, the underlying purpose is to achieve happiness. The most important things that will give you happiness in life are simple. Thus, you can achieve happiness by mere change of your behavior.

1. Think Positive and Be Optimistic: Life throws many different situations; at times you are content, upset, sad or mad. Whatever the situation is, re-structure your thoughts about it positively. There are people out there who have faced the same or similar situations. For worse, people who have faced or are facing worse situations. Every happening in life is a lesson. A lesson learnt, whether good or bad.
How can you achieve Positive Thinking: Whenever your brain forces you to think of a negative situation, slide it through (like a picture slider) think something happy, something positive. Take the situation and take one action at a time to overcome. The cumulative of actions makes the situation better.

2. Good Relationships: Establishing a close group of friends, a caring life partner or family members close to you forms a good support system to you. In crisis or not they are always there. The emotional support and the companionship allows you be content in life. You get to enjoy the most expensive luxuries of life with minimal contribution.
How can you establish Good Relationship: The three pillars of relationship are Trust, Care and Respect, whether you call it a love affair or friendship or a family. Any relationship will become robust with strong pillars.

3. Live with Vigor: Make your mind, body and soul active. Engaged in some activity. Challenge your brain. When you become active, you use your time effectively and lack the time to get bore. Even at work or at home. Have a zest for life.
How can you be engaged: The simplest thing you can do to engage yourself is to set new Goals. Work and achieve goals. There are many things you need to make yourself engaged in new things. Simple and Stupid situation you successfully scrub your brain and body.
Enjoy what You Do: Enjoy anything and everything you do. Find your purpose in life. What you want to do. Make your work environment, something you love to do.


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