About Me

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Male', South Asia, Maldives
Hi, I am Sophu and I believe life is a sum of experiences. This is a compilation of random thoughts that come to my head which contains my interests, experiences, thoughts, tips, poems.... n everything relating to my life...n so on. So please leave a comment to my posts. I love it!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

If not NOW, when?

Don't wait life to happen to you. Plan, live and take actions to make it happening. Life goes at a faster pace than you think.

Don't wait wishing and thinking. Take the small steps and you will see the next one you have to take. Have faith!

Don't wait even if you are afraid of failure, it's part of living. It's a lesson - so don't miss the opportunity to learn.

Don't wait for success to come to you or opportunity to knock on your door. You have to go get it.

Don't wait for the perfect moment to do something. This might me the best timing. Better do it than regret the lost time.

Don't wait for the perfect person. Be the right person in someone else's life.

Don't wait for miracles. You are a miracle of Allah (swa).

Don't wait to do anything later. Do it now - this is the right time .

Every moment is a chance to be a better person.


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