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Male', South Asia, Maldives
Hi, I am Sophu and I believe life is a sum of experiences. This is a compilation of random thoughts that come to my head which contains my interests, experiences, thoughts, tips, poems.... n everything relating to my life...n so on. So please leave a comment to my posts. I love it!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Drink Up!

I have observed that whenever, we (me and my friends) go for snacks, most of them leave out the glass of water without drinking. This also happened with my roommate when I was studying, I had to keep her literally at gun point to make her drink water.

I don’t know why people make it a hassle to drink water. Everyone talks about the importance of taking at least 8 glasses of water everyday but how many of us do. Water is an important requisite for the body. Will people drink if they really know the specific benefits of drinking water. Hence, let me elaborate the benefits drinking up!

Stay in Shape: If you gain even few pounds, you try to shed those extra pounds. But in zeal to have perfect shape most of people forget the important requisites. People start skipping food as well as drink less amount of water. But it leads to increase in problems. There are more benefits in ’beautifying’ you physically;
- Water acts as excellent appetite suppressant
- You never feel hungry as your stomach is full, if you drink enough water
- Water is calorie free so there is no harm in drinking water as you are not adding calories
- Water helps the body to metabolize the already stored fat
- Water helps keep our skin healthy and glowing
- Water helps in the reduction of wrinkling, and aids in our ability to flush fat, toxins, and any other unwanted or foreign substance from our bodies.

There is no proven fact that drinking water leads to increase in weight instead directly or indirectly it leads to decrease in weight.

Brain Function: Our brain tissue is actually 85% water; it is not difficult to conclude that water is essential for the optimum functioning of the brain. Plenty of water keeps our thought processes and brain function at optimal levels, and prevents headaches that are caused from not enough hydration.

Regulates Body Temperature: Water helps in regulating body temperature (act as thermostat). This is extremely important if you have fever.

Prevents Dehydration: Lower content of water in your body results into dehydration reducing the level of energy generated in the brain. Studies have shown that with prolonged dehydration, brain cells actually begin to shrink. Prevents dryness of the skin and facilitates the excretion of toxic substances such as urea, ammonia, uric acid, plus the fringe benefit of a healthy looking and youthful complexion.

Carry Nutrients: Water is responsible for carrying the nutrients along with oxygen to cells.

Shock Absorber: Water cushions and protects tissues, organs and joints thus acting as shock absorber.

Remove Toxins: Water helps in detoxifying human body by removing toxins and waste, this prevent frequent headaches which are often times due to such substances.

Constipation and Digestion: Adequate water intake also promotes regular movement because it prevents the formation of dry hard stool. It also helps in absorption of food. Increased water along with high fibre content is known to put end to constipation problems as constipation is regarded as main symptom of dehydration.

Reduce Gastritis: Water is also known to reduce gastritis, ulcers and even heart burn.

Clean Kidneys: Many Maldivians experience, kidney stones and other urinary tract infections (especially girls). Water helps in removal of wastes from kidneys which if accumulated can impair the functioning of kidney. Water protects the urinary tract from infection and stone formation. Bacteria could hardly succeed in colonizing the urinary tract for frequent urination washes away the bacteria, as well as the sediments (preventing the formation of stones).

What can You Do: Drink one half glass of water every hour (waking hours) and two glasses after each principal meal. If you forget to drink after one hour, take one glass of water the succeeding hour. This excludes your intake of other liquid. Eight glasses of water per day is definitely not enough.


jinahadam said...

sanya doesnt drink water :P :P

Anonymous said...

true, i got sick bec. I didn't drink much water.Good topic. so informative.


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