About Me

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Male', South Asia, Maldives
Hi, I am Sophu and I believe life is a sum of experiences. This is a compilation of random thoughts that come to my head which contains my interests, experiences, thoughts, tips, poems.... n everything relating to my life...n so on. So please leave a comment to my posts. I love it!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


The happiness, the unity and carefree attitude showed how much the winning is appreciated.
Never knew I had the urge and the national spirit too. However, the fun made everyone bend for something unique. And I m no different than the rest.
Getting wet in the rain, without any shivers!
Shouting with all the voice u had, without shame!
Clasping hands with whoever you saw, to congratulate!
Smiling and laughing without reason, to celebrate!
This is the happiest and resemblance of unity showed in recent years after the political conflicts by the entire community.
Youngsters, youth and adults.

A hope!
Rather a seed or one can say a dying fig was made to live and grow.
To come out and to express with all the mighty congratulation!



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